
At New Road Service Station we perform all types of repair and maintenance on all makes and models of  vehicles.

Some of these services include (but are not limited to)

Engine Diagnostics (Lights on dash)
New Road Service Station 
has several different diagnostic computer systems to cater for almost all vehicles.
An illuminated engine warning light means your engines management system has logged a fault and your vehicle may or may not be running correctly. There is no way to determine the nature of the fault without connecting the relevant diagnostic computer to your vehicle to read the logged fault codes. Once this has been done we can with further investigation isolate the issue and carry out an effective repair. We pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the latest diagnostic equipment.

Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning is now fitted as standard on most makes of vehicles. We cater for both the R134a and the newer R1234yf gas. The refrigerant used in Air conditioning can gradually be lost. Over time this will cause a deterioration in performance and release an unpleasant odour when the system is used.
Along with all Air Conditioning repairs we offer a full service comprising of:
Performance test using ultra violet light leak detection
Recovery of refrigerant
Evacuate air and moisture from the system
Leak test
Recharge refrigerant to recommended levels adding fresh oil as necessary
Full visual inspection.

Cam Belts/Timing Belts
Ensuring your cam belt is replaced at the recommended interval is of vital importance to the continued running of your vehicle. If the cam belt were to break it can cause extensive and expensive repairs.
All of our cam belt kits which include the cam belt tensioner are guaranteed for the manufacturers scheduled life span.

We can service and repair all aspects of your vehicles braking system from a simple clean and adjust to complex ABS repairs.

The exhaust system on every vehicle carries out the same basic functions. These are to carry harmful exhaust gases away from the vehicle occupants, removing engine noise and optimising fuel efficiency from the vehicles engine.
An exhaust system is comprised of a series of pipes and boxes all of which are independently replaceable and we will only replace the section that is faulty with a like for like part to seamlessly attach to the existing exhaust system.

Whilst a clutch is working you are unlikely to pay much attention but if it fails then the problem becomes all too clear.
Four signs that you may need a new clutch:
The engine revs keep climbing with little increase in vehicle speed.
Loss of acceleration as the clutch ‘slips’ or a complete loss of drive.
Difficulty in changing gears.
Grinding or rattling noise when changing gears.

It is not hard these days to knock the tracking out on your vehicle. Notable signs of this are:
Steering wheel is off-set when vehicle is travelling in a straight line.
The vehicle may drift/pull in either direction.
The front tyres wearing unevenly on either edge.
These issues can be rectified by our technicians using our Tecalemit  front wheel alignment equipment setting your vehicles alignment back to factory specifications.

A check on your vehicles battery is very quick. Depending on the result of the battery check we can either charge the battery or replace it with a battery specifically listed for your vehicle.